Interreg North West Europe
Following the successful completion of the fore-runner projects THREE C and RE-DIRECT which explored the development of biochar based circular carbon economies, IrBEA and its transnational partners from across Northwest Europe have begun work on the follow up project, titled CASCADE- Circular Conversion Cascades to Transform Residual Biomass to Carbon Products.
This project video link below serves as a nice explainer to the concept of place based circular carbon economies.
IrBEA is joined with partners from Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg and the Netherlands
This project will see IrBEA work alongside Cill Ulta – a social enterprise involved with commercial horticulture, and Biocarbon Ireland, a specialist consultancy, to further explore cascading uses of biomass for provision of biochar products and services within the pilot region of Donegal.
The wider project will look to roll out the following:
There will be a number of scenarios explored throughout the lifetime of the project which include but are not limited to the following:
If you are interested in finding out more or getting involved, please contact Stephen McCormack, IrBEA Project Executive at