WEBINAR 27: Balcas Energy – Delivering decarbonised heat, hot water and process steam through wood pellet biomass.

A live recording of the webinar can be found HERE

This webinar showcased the contribution of Balcas Energy to the decarbonisation of heat and process steam.  Wood pellets offer substantial opportunity to decarbonise the heating of commercial operations and domestic homes. Balcas Energy manufactures wood pellets utilising heat and electricity generated from their own onsite biomass CHP unit. At this webinar, we were joined by representatives of Balcas Energy who showcased their business and contribution to the sector.

Colm Hatton
Balcas, Business Development Manager

Paula Keelagher
Balcas, Marketing Development Manager

Seán Finan


PRESS RELEASE: IrBEA hosts photo launch for the JTF Midlands Bioenergy Development Programme


Press Release – Immediate Release 26/01/2022IrBEA hosts photo launch for the JTF Midlands Bioenergy Development Programme
The Irish Bioenergy Association (IrBEA) recently complete a launch photograph with Minister of State, Senator Pippa Hackett for its Just Transition Fund (JTF) Project ‘The Midlands Bioenergy Development Programme.’

Speaking at the photo launch, Mr Sean Finan, CEO of IrBEA, said: “We are delighted to complete our photo launch of the IrBEA Just Transition funded Project with Minister Hackett. The Midlands Bioenergy Development Programme has been designed to provide training, mentoring, technical support, and advice to those interested in exploring the development of new bioenergy-based businesses in the midlands. The project will support the establishment of bioenergy businesses and link producers, processing business, energy users and investors.”

Under the National Just Transition Fund, administered by the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications (DECC), granted projects will seek to develop innovative projects which will lead to economic, environmental, and social sustainability for the Midlands region as it shifts away from the model of peat harvesting and use to a low carbon society with alternative employment opportunities within the catchment areas. The counties that are covered within the Just Transition Programme area and this project are East Galway, Kildare, Laois, Longford, North Tipperary, Offaly, Roscommon, and Westmeath.

Stephen McCormack, Project Executive with IrBEA said “The bioenergy sector encompasses many different possibilities for those looking to develop their own business, reskill and to find new employment opportunities. Bioenergy can be anything from the development of wood fuels such as wood chip, firewood or pellets, the growth of dedicated energy crops and biogas, biofuels, or biochar production. We will be kicking off the project activities in the coming months with a formal launch event and hosting a series of information and awareness events throughout the Midlands region.”

The project will assess the potential feedstocks and energy demand within the various counties of the JTF catchment as well as assessing the skills and training needs of interested parties. The project will design and rollout a knowledge transfer programme through the provision of training, mentoring, technical guidance, and advice for those looking to develop fully fledged bioenergy related businesses.

Finan concluded “Bioenergy is responsible for doing the heavy lifting in terms of all the various renewable energy technologies worldwide. By supporting those looking to transition into this sector, local employment opportunities can be provided. This will help keep the economic activity generated within the locality and more importantly, reduce dependence on imported fossil fuels and improving energy security. We look forward to engaging with former peat and power industry workers, farmers, foresters, SMEs, energy users and individuals within the region as they transition towards a sustainable low carbon energy future.”

To assist in the delivery of the Midlands Bioenergy Development Programme, IrBEA are currently recruiting a Project Executive. Full details can be found on the IrBEA website or via the link:


For Further Information Please contact Seán Finan IrBEA CEO on 0874146480


WEBINAR 26 Transport in Ireland: A Pathway to Halving Emissions

A live recording of the webinar can be found HERE

In Dec 2021, the Irish Bioenergy Association (IrBEA) published “Transport in Ireland: A Pathway to Halving Emissions – Meeting ambitious emissions reduction in Ireland’s Transport sector and the role of Sustainable Bioenergy”. This report was developed by UCC MaREI on behalf of IrBEA.  At this webinar, the author Dr Paul Deane of UCC MaREI, presented the main findings. This report clearly shows that Ireland has a pathway to halve emissions from Transport through the introduction of a combination of policy interventions and measures including electrification, increased biofuels blending (ethanol and biodiesel), biomethane and driver efficiency measures.
This report was funded through sponsorship contributions from IrBEA, Transport Infrastructure Ireland, Ethanol Europe, Green Biofuels Ireland, Green Generation and 3 Counties Energy Agency.

Dr Paul Deane – UCC MaREI
Paddy Phelan – IrBEA President and 3CEA
James Cogan – Ethanol Europe
Tony Hennebry – Green Biofuels Ireland
Teresa Patton / Billy Costello – Green Generation
Seán Finan, IrBEA CEO, MC/Chair