Webinar 43: Explaining Specified Biomass Harvesting: Realising the Biomass opportunity

A live recording of webinar 43 is available here.

Topic Overview
At this webinar, the Irish Bioenergy Association (IrBEA) launched a document on Specified Biomass Harvesting (SBH). This document was developed by IrBEA with contributions from members, associated organisations and stakeholders. Specified Biomass harvesting (brash harvesting) can provide a significant biomass and renewable energy resource opportunity. This resource arises from a sensitive approach to harvesting the forest without adversely impacting the future productivity of the forest, local ecosystems or environment. Ireland’s forestry resource has the potential to provide large volumes of by-product material for energy use through SBH during thinning and harvesting operations. This by-product material, in addition to the harvesting of timber and pulp products, is usually derived from the side branches and tops of the trees. This webinar focused on the importance of the SBH harvesting approach and the future productivity of the forest, local ecosystems and water courses.

Webinar MC: Seán Finan – IrBEA CEO
Presenter: Noel Gavigan IrBEA Technical Executive
Eugene Hendrick, Joint author of Specified Biomass Harvesting (SBH) document.
Kenneth Worrell, Managing Director, Worrell Harvesting
Donal Whelan, Technical Director, Irish Timber Growers Association