Weekly Noticeboard 28/11/15
1. DoE request for input on revisions to EU Emissions Trading Scheme.
In July 2015, the European Commission introduced a legislative proposal to revise the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) for the period after the year 2020. The proposal forms part of the process of delivering on the EU’s target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 40% by the year 2030, in accordance with the EU’s 2030 Climate and Energy Policy Framework. Ireland actively participates in the EU ETS. In order to inform national policy in respect of ongoing EU deliberations on the proposal, the views of interested parties in Ireland are being sought on the proposal itself. With support from Tom Bruton of BioXL, IrBEA has drafted a short response, viewable here. IrBEA members wishing to comment on the draft should provide feedback to tom.bruton@bioxl.ie by COB next Tuesday 1 December. The submission closing date is 2nd December.
2. Alternative Fuels Infrastructure – initial public consultation on developing a National Policy Framework for Ireland.
Following feedback from members, IrBEA’s response to this consultation, based largely on the content of the recent launch of the IrBEA-Cré Biogas Manifesto, was submitted last Monday 23 November and can be viewed here. Our thanks to Padraic O’Neill for coordinating IrBEA’s response.
3. Bord na Móna biomass supply opportunity – eTenders notice.
Bord na Móna wish to appoint a suitable vendor to supply c. 50,000 weighed tonnes of Biomass Dry Matter with a moisture content of up to 15% for use in co-fuelling with peat at the power plant at Ballykilleen, Edenderry, Co. Offaly. This is the first of a two stage process – Stage 1 a PQQ (Prequalification Questionnaire) to determine if suppliers qualify and Stage 2 an ITT (Invitation to Tender) for qualified suppliers. Stage 1 response deadline is 4 December 2015. Details here
4. UK Govt to extend RHI to 2020/21 securing an additional £1.15bn. The UK Government’s Spending Review and Autumn Statement announced on 25 November includes an energy package (view here) which includes initiatives on:
- Efficiency and Reform: Increased funding for the Renewable Heat Incentive to £1.15 billion in 2021 to ensure the UK continues progress towards its climate goals while reforming the scheme to improve value for money, delivering savings of almost £700 million by 2020-21.
- Long term investment: Doubling of investment in DECC’s innovation programme; £295 million to improve the energy efficiency of schools, hospitals and other public sector buildings; over £300 million for up to 200 heat networks to generate enough heat to support the equivalent of over 400,000 homes and leverage up to £2 billion of private capital investment.
More detail is awaited. The Renewable Energy Association (REA) in the UK wants the funding made available in the Renewable Heat Incentive to be open to a wide range of renewable technologies including biomass, biogas, and district heating. Seeother REA comment.
Note: the next IrBEA newsletter will be a combined Nov-Dec issue, due out 2nd week of December just after the 4th and last IrBEA Management Committee meeting of 2015.
Michael Hegarty
IrBEA General Manager