1. DoE request for input on revisions to EU Emissions Trading Scheme.
In July 2015, the European Commission introduced a legislative proposal to revise the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) for the period after the year 2020. The proposal forms part of the process of delivering on the EU’s target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 40% by the year 2030, in accordance with the EU’s 2030 Climate and Energy Policy Framework. Ireland actively participates in the EU ETS. In order to inform national policy in respect of ongoing EU deliberations on the proposal, the views of interested parties in Ireland are being sought on the proposal itself. With support from Tom Bruton of BioXL, IrBEA has drafted a short response, viewable here. IrBEA members wishing to comment on the draft should provide feedback to tom.bruton@bioxl.ie by COB next Tuesday 1 December. The submission closing date is 2nd December. Read more
Weekly Noticeboard 28/11/15
/in Newsletters1. DoE request for input on revisions to EU Emissions Trading Scheme.
In July 2015, the European Commission introduced a legislative proposal to revise the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) for the period after the year 2020. The proposal forms part of the process of delivering on the EU’s target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 40% by the year 2030, in accordance with the EU’s 2030 Climate and Energy Policy Framework. Ireland actively participates in the EU ETS. In order to inform national policy in respect of ongoing EU deliberations on the proposal, the views of interested parties in Ireland are being sought on the proposal itself. With support from Tom Bruton of BioXL, IrBEA has drafted a short response, viewable here. IrBEA members wishing to comment on the draft should provide feedback to tom.bruton@bioxl.ie by COB next Tuesday 1 December. The submission closing date is 2nd December. Read more
Weekly Noticeboard 21/11/15
/in Newsletters1. Grid connections becoming tighter.
There is an unprecedented level of interest in solar photovoltaic projects, and a high volume of connection applications to ESB Networks at present. This is creating serious constraints for other renewable generators who may experience long delays and high costs if they come after other applicants in the same area. IrBEA has been represented since 2013 on the CER’s generator connections group by Tom Bruton of BioXL, and at a meeting yesterday (20 Nov) he gave the following feedback to the CER and members of the group:
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Joint Cré-IrBEA submission on AD for RHI consultation
/in SubmissionsThis submission for DCENR’s RHI technology review consultation, jointly developed by Cré and IrBEA, is focused on anaerobic digestion. The paper includes a short introductory section on AD – the policy changes required, benefits, and supporting documentation – followed by responses to the 40 specific questions in the consultation. The submitted document can be downloaded here
Weekly Noticeboard 14/11/15
/in Newsletters1. Jobs notice – Action Renewables.
Two job opportunities have just been advertised by Action Renewables, an IrBEA member based in Belfast. Action Renewables supports commercial renewable energy development, develops and supports European Projects, trades Renewable Energy Certificates, and offers quality assurance to the renewable energy industry. Read more
European BioGas Association Press Release on Biogas for Grid
/in Press ReleasesBiomethane is a mature technology that can significantly reduce Europe’s dependency on natural gas” was the main message of the 2nd Conference of the European Biogas Association in the Netherlands. DGs for Energy, Transport and Agriculture confirm that in the next decades there is no way to achieve renewable energy targets without biogas. Read more
Biogas Manifesto launch: Jobs, cheap heating/electricity and achieving renewables targets
/in Press ReleasesThousands of jobs, cheap heating/electricity, and achieving renewables targets – politicians hear how to create the conditions to achieve these goals at IrBEA-Cré ‘Biogas Manifesto’ launch Read more
IrBEA Newsletter – October 2015
/in NewslettersHere is the link to our newsletter October 2015
IrBEA submission for a Renewable Electricity Support Scheme
/in All News, SubmissionsIrBEA’s submission to the Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources for an RES-E support scheme follows a consultation with members. This paper responds to the first stage of four consultation steps indicated by DCENR. IrBEA’s analysis covers a range of issues and concludes with recommendations. A short summary is included at the front end. Read submission here
IrBEA Newsletter – September 2015
/in NewslettersHere is the link to our newsletter September 2015
IrBEA Newsletter – July 2015
/in NewslettersHere is the link to our newsletter July 2015