Weekly Noticeboard 12/12/15
1. Clarification Notice – applications under the REFIT Schemes.
While the closing date for REFIT schemes remains as 4pm on 31 December 2015, in response to a number of queries regarding the status of REFIT applications but which do not include a copy of full planning permission and/or a grid connection offer or agreement, DCENR has issued a clarification. See details. Read more
Weekly Noticeboard 05/12/15
1. Summary notes of Bioenergy Plan Stakeholder Meeting with DCENR 24 Nov 2015.
About 40 industry stakeholders, including many IrBEA members, attended a stakeholder consultation session on the drafting of the Bioenergy Plan. The meeting was chaired by Brian Carroll, Principal Officer, DCENR. Joining him at the top table were Cathy O’Connor (DCENR), Frank Groome (DCENR/Eirgrid) and Eugene Hendrick (DAFM). Read more
Weekly Noticeboard 30/11/15
1. Complimentary Tickets to the Irish National Sustainability Summit – 3 Nov.
IrBEA members are offered complimentary delegate passes to the National Sustainability Summit on the 3rd November in the Aviva Stadium, Dublin. You simply need to register online for a delegate badge. In essence The National Sustainability Summit consists of 9 events in one, bringing together over 2000 key stakeholders and over 75 speakers from sectors such as construction/building, manufacturing, food & agriculture, healthcare, IT, transport, renewable energy, tourism, finance, water, environment, retail, hospitality, logistics, supply chain etc. that have been instrumental in creating a more sustainable Ireland.
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