Intel Goes 100% Renewable to Power 360-acre Leixlip Campus
Intel announced that 100% of the electricity supplied to its Leixlip campus in 2016 was generated from indigenous renewable resources, making it one of the largest voluntary, private purchasers of renewable energy in Ireland. Since 2016, Intel Ireland has bought all of its power from its key supplier, Electric Ireland. Ireland is the first major Intel location outside of the US to have bought 100% certifiable renewable electricity. This article is an interesting insight into Intel’s commitment to addressing climate change, for many years they have engaged in actions and strategies that reduce the companies carbon footprint. They began to publicly report on greenhouse gas emissions many years ago. In the last 4 years Intel Ireland have recycled 92% of solid waste and are close to achieving a zero chemical waste to landfill goal with 99% of all chemical waste going to non-landfill sources. View article