National Bioenergy Conference – The largest gathering of bioenergy stakeholders in Ireland meet to discuss recent policy developments and the advancement of the sector

For Immediate Release:


IrBEA announces final details ahead of the upcoming National Bioenergy Conference

The Irish Bioenergy Association (IrBEA) 23rd National Bioenergy Conference will take place on Thursday 10th of October at the Royal Marine Hotel, Dún Laoghaire, County Dublin.

The Bioenergy sectors of solid biomass, liquid biofuels, biogas/biomethane, wood fuels, energy crops and biochar are uniquely placed in providing a solution to the current challenges which Ireland faces in terms of decarbonisation, emissions reduction and the renewable energy transition. IrBEA looks forward to welcoming a wide and diverse range of stakeholders to this flagship event. At this year’s conference, the focus will be on the need to action and resource existing strategies and the rollout of new policies and supports to advance the development of the sector.

Seán Finan, Irish Bioenergy Association (IrBEA) CEO said: “We need all renewable technologies and renewable fuels to be deployed as part of a broad renewable energy policy in Ireland. The conference title is ‘Bioenergy delivering globally Ireland’s opportunity locally.’ The bioenergy sector is growing strongly across the EU and bioenergy remains the largest source of renewable energy at a European and global level. In Ireland, we have the Support Scheme for Renewable Heat (SSRH) for biomass and the Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation scheme for liquid and gaseous fuels. For the biomethane/biogas sector, the recently published Biomethane Strategy is a welcome first step, but further policy intervention is required to drive market certainty and the target set out.”

Bord na Móna and Gas Networks Ireland (GNI) are the co-sponsors of the 23rd  national bioenergy conference. Bord na Móna has plans to deploy a wide range of renewable energy generation technologies. Specifically, in bioenergy this includes 100% biomass use at Edenderry Power Limited, exploring the potential and opportunity of bioenergy carbon capture in hitting net zero and the development of biomethane production capacity. Gas Networks Ireland is actively engaged in encouraging the development of an indigenous biomethane industry as a way of delivering on its pathway towards achieving net zero.

Finan continued: “We are very pleased that both Bord na Móna and Gas Networks Ireland have agreed to co-sponsor the conference. Both companies are keenly focused on developing and delivering clean, renewable energy, along with carbon storage and resource recovery solutions.”

Some of the highlights at the national bioenergy conference will include:

  • An emphasis on the solid biomass, liquid biofuels, biogas/biomethane, wood fuels, energy crops and biochar sectors throughout the agenda, with various speakers and experts sharing their insights
  • Perspectives from Minister Smyth on the role of bioenergy in the circular bioeconomy
  • The role of bioenergy in Ireland’s renewable electricity, heat, transport and agricultural policies
  • The views of large energy users on potential for bioenergy deployment
  • Bioenergy with carbon capture and storage and carbon dioxide removals (CDR)
  • Development and overview from Brussels on the solid biomass and biogas/biomethane sectors
  • Update on the biomethane strategy capital grants and the design of the renewable heat obligation (RHO) scheme and biomethane’s role in a decarbonised gas network
  • Delivering the renewable transport policy & the role of liquid and gaseous biofuels
  • Northern Ireland’s biomethane journey within the agriculture policy landscape
  • Decarbonising heat in Ireland and the role of bioenergy
  • The HVO supply chain
  • Biochar – The IrBEA Interreg NW Europe CASCADE project journey


Finan concluded:  “All those involved in this year’s conference are active in the promotion and deployment of solid, liquid or gaseous bioenergy. We look forward to welcoming a broad range of delegates to Dún Laoghaire for intensive engagement on many aspects associated with our industry including its potential and opportunity as well as hearing from experts in the sector.”



For Further Information Contact: Seán Finan IrBEA CEO on 087 4146480

Notes to Editors:

About the 23rd  National Bioenergy Conference

Full details of registration for the conference including sponsors, exhibitors , agenda and speakers is available at