Webinar 2: District Heating Decarbonising our Heat Demands
On Wednesday June 24th, IrBEA hosted a second webinar as part of the recently commenced IrBEA Bioenergy Webinar Series 2020. The webinar included informative presentations from John O’Shea who is responsible for energy systems analysis at Codema (Dublin Energy Agency). The webinar outlined the potential for district heating in Ireland alongside an examination of potential heat sources. John updated us on the Dublin District Heating System (DDHS) which is now at Phase 2 and Dublin City Council have initiated procuring a Consultant to examine the strategies for managing and administering the project. The District Heating (DH) network will cover the Docklands and Poolbeg areas which will recover and distribute the waste heat from plants located primarily on the Poolbeg peninsula.
Steve Richmond from REHAU UK also presented, this company are experts in District Heating and Polymer pipe solution technology. He shared valuable technological expertise and financial modelling as well as commentaries on District Heating installation in the UK. REHAU employ over 20,000 people worldwide and are one of the UK market leaders in polymer district heating pipework.
If you would like to see the webinar view here
If you would like to see the webinar presentation slides view here