Study on Biomass Combustion Emissions – Draft Consultation 11- 25 October 2016
The Irish BioEnergy Association with the assistance of SEAI is pleased to issue the document: Study on Biomass Conbustion Emissions – Draft Consultation, the report has been completed by Fehilly Timoney Consultants. Throughout the previous four years Irish businesses have been calling for the introduction of a Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) to support the development of biomass heating in Ireland. The introduction of such a measure would assist Ireland in meeting its 2020 Renewable Energy Targets, reduce Irelands dependence on imported fossil fuels and reduce Irelands greenhouse gas emissions. However the question has been raised – Will the combustion of biomass result in other emissions to atmosphere that may be harmful to the environment or human health? This brief report seeks to open this question and to inform the reader as to the main aspects of the question. The report seeks to inform the reader about biomass combustion and the techniques used to mitigate and control emissions.
The Irish BioEnergy Association invites stakeholders, policy makers and members of the public to examine this report and share their views on the topic.
Responses received may contribute directly to the report or may form the basis of future studies into the matter at hand. Open for public consultation from 11th October 2016 to 25th October 2016
All responses to be issued via email to
Responses to be received by 5pm on the 25th October 2016