Weekly Noticeboard 14/11/15
1. Jobs notice – Action Renewables.
Two job opportunities have just been advertised by Action Renewables, an IrBEA member based in Belfast. Action Renewables supports commercial renewable energy development, develops and supports European Projects, trades Renewable Energy Certificates, and offers quality assurance to the renewable energy industry.
The two posts offered are as Assistant Project Manager. The post holders will be part of the Action Renewables Project Management team, carrying out work activities to provide support to Project Managers. They will have skills in word processing and spreadsheet development, time management, report preparation and completion and should have some knowledge of renewables. The posts are permanent and have a salary range of £16000.00 – £20148.00 (depending on experience), with 25 days leave. Full details here.
2. Wood Energy Solutions’ Open/Biomass Information Day.
WES extends an invitation to their manufacturing facility in Cahir, Co. Tipperary, on Thursday 26th November to celebrate the move to their new premises and to bring together organisations and individuals, both public and private, who have a direct interest in the biomass industry for a networking and information sharing event. The event is to highlight awareness of a cluster of biomass industry stakeholders and will include:
- WES boiler factory tour, trade stands from other biomass participants (pellet suppliers, wood chip, fuel storage suppliers, etc).
- Presentations from key note speakers on forthcoming RHI and grant aid initiatives for biomass heating.
See here for further information or contact Morgan Grene on 052 746 8079
3. Online auction of biogas power plant – Markegem (Belgium).
Closing date: Tuesday 24 November 14h00. BIOGAS POWER GENERATORS “MWM”, 1560 kW, with generator “Marelli. Generator”, 2300 kVA; MIXING BUNKER “Trioliet” Solomix 3-8000 (‘12), cap. 80 m³; mixing tanks “Verbeek” KR400; storage tanks “Seepex”; concrete fermentation tanks; emergency chimney, cap. 1000 Nm3/h; TRANSFORMATORS “CG” (‘12), 2000 kVA and 630 kVA; ss H2S filters “Gastreatment Services”; hot air treatment installation; DRYING FACILITY “Tema” (‘12); WEIGHBRIDGE “Robbe Bascules”, cap. 60 t. See details here.
Michael Hegarty
IrBEA General Manager